The European Union SME Fund

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February 4, 2022
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February 18, 2022

The European Commission is renewing and improving its grant fund for SMEs “ideas powered for business” from 16 January to 16 December 2022.

The objective is to support European SMEs in protecting their innovations by helping them to protect their inventions, trademarks and products through industrial property rights with the payment of official fees.

The Fund is accessible to SMEs established in the European Union. For a French company, two types of fundings are available:

  • A cheque up to 1500€ is available for the payment of filing and registration fees for trademarks and/or designs at European or national level (75% of the amount of fees) and outside the EU (50% of the amount of fees)
  • A cheque up to €750 for patent fees (50% of fees at national level)

If you are an SME according to the Commission’s criteria, just target your category (via this link).

Then, the application can be made directly by your company or through an authorised representative on the dedicated platform (by clicking here).


The process has been greatly simplified:

1. providing the SME’s VAT certificate, the bank account number in the name of the SME and the power of attorney for your representative if applicable, then submitting the application form

2. obtaining the decision on the grant within 15 days

3. filing of the industrial property title(s) within 4 months (with the possibility of a 2-month extension) directly or through your representative

4. claim for reimbursement filed within 30 days of filing the title


An SME that already owns industrial property rights is perfectly entitled to apply. These funds can be combined with the INPI’s aid under the IP Pass.

Finally, it is perfectly possible to apply for a grant for several titles within the established limits.

So don’t delay your filings any longer and protect your innovations, can help you with your IP projects!


− Eléonore Dauphant, IP Attorney and Partner at Mark & Law