Nathalie FAYETTE
« Working seriously, without taking ourselves seriously, is our guiding principle»
Responsable et fondatrice du cabinet
European Trademark and Industrial Design Attorney
Founder and Manager of Mark and Law
Responsible of the Copyright and Contract Department
Member of GRAPI and Les Executive Society
Areas of expertise
More particularly dedicated to the definition and implement of the appropriate strategy.
Brands, Collective Marks, Designs and Models, Appellations of Origin, Copyright, Software, Domain Names, ITs, Contracts, Strategy and Audits, Infringement and Unfair Competition, Litigation.
D.E.A in literary, artistic and industrial property law (ASSAS PARIS 2 -Panthéon-Sorbonne University)
Masters in Business Law (Lyon 3 University)
Diploma in International Trade Law (Lyon 3 University)
Diploma in Comparative English Law (Lyon 3 University)
After a solid general grounding in law, an improvement in international law, Nathalie specialised in intellectual property law joining Professor Françon’s D.E.A. programme at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University. After six years as a brand manager in a private IP law firm, she decided to create her own firm, at the end of 1996. Her aim was to develop a legal approach customized to each client combining an appreciation of legal constraints with the pragmatic constraints of corporate life. She has also taught courses at both university and business school.