« Always ready to meet you on the other side of the world! »
French and European Trademark and Industrial Design Attorney
Partner – in charge of the International Relationship Department/p>
Management of international clients
Member of GRAPI and INTA
Areas of expertise
Brands, Collective Marks, Designs, Privacy law, Data, GRPD, ITs, Databases, Software, Domain Names, Appellations of Origin, Copyright, Contracts, Strategy and Audits, Infringement and Unfair Competition, Litigation
Master 2 in Intellectual Property Law (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University)
Master in Business Law – Company Law (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University)
Master in International Law (Erasmus Programme – Queen’s University of Belfast)
After a solid general training in law in Lyon, an Anglo-Saxon and European experience in Belfast and a specialisation in intellectual property law, Eleonore joined the firm Mark & Law in March 2007. She deals, more specifically, with developments related to the law on new technologies. Her role within the firm is particularly focused on international relations.