A trademark, the building of
a world of value,
imagery and guarantee around a sign.
We consider trademarks to be an essential asset in the building and development of your activity.
A trademark must be considered as an element creating a link between a product, a process, a service, and a name, or even a sound, a smell, or a shape, that is going to protect the associated quality.
We recommend applications that aim to protect your identification value, which involves using non-verbal trademarking (in particular the use of new possibilities to file trademarks of movement, position, etc.).

As such, if Louboutin had only protected its trademark name (even though nobody is going to look at what is written on the shoe) but not the red color of its sole, it would not hold the monopoly on what constitutes a real added value and recognizable sign to be protected.
To check
First and foremost, it is advisable to choose an available sign
from the linguistic, semiological and legal constraints.
We support you in the creation of a name with our
recommendations on the precautions to take with regard to its pronunciation
and meaning, through to the determination of its freedom to operate;
Our methodology is the following :

The carrying out of prior searches in all countries of operation or manufacturing concerned

Legal analysis of the results

Risk assessment and recommendations on the attitude to adopt

Release mechanisms for rights through surveys pertaining to usage, prior trademark purchase or forfeiture proceedings
We establish a detailed search report accompanied by a framework and our clear, managed opinion on the legal and practical risks, as well as any actions to undertake.

Filing and managing
We assist you in all of the trademark’s stages of life with the offices, from application through to registration, and in the management of your trademark portfolio.
Preparation of a specification of goods* adapted to the current and potential use of the product and/or service to be protected.
*For each trademark application, we prepare a description depending on the results of the prior searches which defines the scope of the operating area possible, in the demand regarding the product or service concerned, as well as the possibility of blocking additional services or products).
Monitoring of procedures until trademark registration is obtained
Applications abroad through the best adapted international procedures and a network of correspondents around the world, selected in accordance with their skills and tariffs
Preparation of the description and application depending on the specific legislation of each country
Integration of expiry dates into specific management software and manual entry – weekly dual-checking
Management of renewals a year before their official expiry
Of course, we go to the end of the procedure by offering trademark monitoring (MARK ALERT), audits within the framework of DIU as well as their pre-litigation or customs defense (MARK ATTACK)
If the monitoring of your titles and products enables your assets to be protected, this valuation also passes through additional actions, such as:
Regular audits in order to monitor modifications to procedures, changes in holders, and verification of the adequacy between registrations and their use
Due diligence; qualitative and administrative evaluation of trademark, design and model portfolios
Advice on the structuring of trademark, design and model portfolios, particularly within the framework of company acquisitions
Advice on financial management and optimization, and management of trademark, design and model portfolios