How to refresh yourself and communicate ecologically, with La carafe qui fait parler® (“the carafe that makes people talk“):
Made of glass (fully recyclable), with a stopper made of PLA, a “plastic” made from plant materials, and recyclable… in industrial compost.
+ Supplied with a filtration carbon (which does not crumble in the carafe), all you have to do is fill the carafe with water and let it cool in the fridge.
+ Design by itself for individuals, companies can choose to customize it by silk-screening their communication on the glass of the carafe.
+ Manufactured by an ESAT* and sold by PAUL CREE.
= La carafe qui fait parler® ticks all the boxes!
* In France an ESAT, ex-CAT (France loves acronyms) is a medico-social esthablishment for protected word, reserved for people with disabilities and aiming at their social and professional integration or reintegration.Â