
June 10, 2022

Counterfeiting: What if you worked closely with customs to act effectively?

The mission of customs is to control the flow of goods from international trade in order to protect the legal economy and consumers. Unfortunately, the customs services in Paris region have seen an increase of almost 19% in their activity over the last two years. Partnership with IP rights holders are essential in the fight against counterfeiting. Indeed, independently and in addition to the filing of trademarks, patents or designs, the Application for Action with Customs is a formidable tool to act quickly and efficiently at a lower cost. This application will materialize the partnership between the customs and the […]
June 20, 2022

The position of the European Union Office regarding trademarks referring to drugs

When filing a trademark application with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the examination service carries out a formal examination of the application to verify whether the sign filed may constitute a trademark granting a monopoly to its owner for the designated goods or services. Thus, the Office verifies whether the sign is not descriptive and whether it is distinctive, i.e. whether it can constitute a recognizable sign indicating the origin of the goods or services. Also, the trademark must not be contrary to public policy or morality. Taken in a European sense, this notion can have different apprehensions […]
July 4, 2022

Trademark protection issues in the metaverse

Although the subject of the metaverse is not new, since Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement last October about his desire to build a metaverse that would allow people to connect and develop businesses, this “new world” has aroused the interest of many companies that see it as an additional means of visibility for their marketing and commercial operations. The first cases concerning the unauthorized use of trademarks in this virtual alternative world have quickly emerged, notably last January between Hermès and the American artist Mason Rothschild who was inspired by the Birkin bags to create and sell digital objects in the metaverse. […]
July 8, 2022

Everything that sparkles is not “Champagne”: a story of Protected Designation of Origin

Last September, in a case involving bubbly drinks, the European courts once again reinforced the protection afforded to products covered by a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO).  But first of all, what is an Designation of Origin?  This term is defined as the name of a region or a specific place that is used to designate a product that meets certain requirements, in particular its quality and characteristics that are essentially/exclusively due to a particular geographical environment and the natural and human factors inherent to it. This designation is protected against any use that would aim to profit from the […]