
March 18, 2022

Advertise to counterfeiters of your products

Be one step ahead of counterfeiters on the Internet, inform your (future) customers of their activities and, above all, give them the exact address of your website, so that distracted customers do not end up on the counterfeit website:   CARGLASS : “TYPE .FR TO BE SURE TO REACH US!” This windshield repair and replacement company asks us at the end of its TV commercials (reaching a large audience) to order their intervention on their website carglass.FR: Why ? Competitors have bought the keyword CARGLASS from Google Ads (which is unfortunately legal) to move up in the search engine’s results among […]
April 8, 2022

Virtual works: a player as creator but not as author?

You may have spent hours and hours building a virtual home worthy of the greatest architectural creations on gaming platforms, but if the developer decides to replicate it in the real world, the terms of use to which you agree often give him this opportunity.  Worse, if you don’t comply with the terms of use, your house may be inaccessible or even destroyed.  This new status of a creator who does not hold any copyright is quite innovative, surprising and contrary to all the copyright rules which have been laying down for decades the sacred principle that the author always […]
May 13, 2022

Ambush marketing : a source of distress for event organizers

On February 10, 2012, the Paris Court of Appeal defined Ambush marketing as “the fact, for a company, to makes itself visible to the public during a sporting or cultural event in order to associate its image with it, while avoiding paying the organizers and becoming an official supporter.” This practice implies an aggressiveness on the part of the author, the ambusher, to divert the attention of the public of an event to his profit. Fortunately, event organizers are not helpless against this kind of behavior. They have the possibility to register the relevant identification elements such as the title […]
June 3, 2022

MARK & LAW referenced as Expert by BPI France

Our firm has recently been referenced as an Expert by BPI France in the framework of its new program called “Intellectual Property Strategy and Intangible Assets Valuation“. This diagnosis is aimed at SMEs and ETIs (intermediate-sized enterprise) seeking to develop the protection of their intellectual property and structure their intangible assets (patents, designs, trademarks, software, data). The objective of the support offer is to finance, up to 80%, an analysis and consulting service carried out by an Expert in the protection, structuring and valorization of intellectual property, More precisely, the diagnosis includes : An audit of the existing intangible assets, […]