
March 31, 2023

“Don’t worry be IP!” – 24 march 2023

The entire MARK & LAW team would like to thank its clients and partners for their active and warm presence during our training day on March 24 at the Château de Sans-Souci.
April 13, 2023

Domain names on the blockchain: new world, new rules

Until now you reserved your domain name (name of your company, your brand…) on the Internet (“the web”) in geographical or generic extensions: masociete.fr, masociete.com, masociete.design… But have you ever been asked to reserve your domain name on “the blockchain”, “the web3”, in extensions corresponding to cryptocurrencies (.eth .wallet .nft .888 .bitcoin…), as a defensive measure (to protect your brand in this universe), or to fit your activity? Ex: reserve your domain name masociete.eth, via the ENS registry on the ETHEREUM blockchain, a name that you will pay with a token of the corresponding cryptocurrency, Ethereum. ⇾ Beware, these new […]
April 28, 2023

SINGER®, in line with the brand revival

Invented in 1851 by Isaac Merrit Singer in New York State, the famous sewing machine that revolutionized clothing manufacturing had already been the subject of a legal battle over paternity and the patents that had been filed on the invention since its birth. The company had intellectual property in its DNA, and both the technology and the brand were successfully protected. In 1855, Singer Company opened a subsidiary in Paris and became one of the first international brands. In 1901, the SINGER company clearly indicated on the instruction manual that it was a “trade mark” (photograph above). It is an […]
May 5, 2023

Extension of the deadline for the recognition of industrial property titles in French Polynesia

Since March 3, 2004 and the entry into force of the organic law transferring to French Polynesia numerous competences, including economic competences, industrial property titles (patents, trademarks, designs and models) no longer automatically cover the territory of Polynesia. In order for your rights to be maintained, for titles already registered, or recognized, for new filings, it is necessary, in the first case, to request recognition from the General Directorate of Economic Affairs (DGAE) of Polynesia and, in the second case, to specifically request protection in Polynesia when filing your titles with the INPI, subject to payment of an additional fee. […]