
April 25, 2022

Chile and Cape Verde join the Madrid System

Two new countries will soon join the Madrid System. Indeed, as of July 4, 2022 for Chile and July 6, 2022 for Cape Verde, it will be possible to protect your trademark in these countries via the international procedure governed by the Madrid System. The Madrid System simplifies the trademark registration process through the filing of a single international trademark application for up to 126 countries, and a centralised management system, where each state examines the application independently from each other, according to their own legislation. Thanks to the simple and rapid designation procedure provided by the Madrid System, French or foreign companies […]
May 11, 2022

Refusal of the geographical indication “Savon de Marseille” confirmed

On March 16, 2022, the French Court of Cassation ruled in favor of the INPI, which had rejected the application for registration of the geographical indication “SAVON DE MARSEILLE” (Marseille soap) filed on December 26, 2017 under No. 17-005 by the Association Savon de Marseille France (ASDMF) on the grounds that the application was incomplete and that the specifications did not meet the conditions set forth in the texts. The Geographical indications for craft and industrial products (GI CIP) was created to protect the name of a product associated with a geographical area, the product having to meet a precise […]
May 20, 2022

Morocco Joins the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement

The Hague System for the international registration of industrial designs continues to expand with a new Contracting Party to the 1999 Geneva Act. The industrial property title of “Design” makes it possible to protect the appearance of a product. Sometimes neglected by companies, even though they are aware of the protection of inventions by patents or names by trademarks, this protection is nevertheless essential since the aesthetics of your product is often decisive for the consumer and requires financial and human investments. Acquiring a monopoly on the aesthetics of your product requires reflection in parallel with its conception, since the […]
May 24, 2022

The author of a work of art : the one who imagines it or the one who executes it ?

Is the author of a work of art the one who imagines it, or the one who executes it? A questioning which will perhaps find an answer on July 8 by the Judicial Court of Paris which will have the pleasure to arbitrate this debate as old as art, after the hearing of this Friday May 3. The art world is shivering… Here are the facts:  Maurizio Cattelan, Italian star of contemporary art and provocation is the subject of a complaint* by one of his regular sculptors, the Frenchman Daniel Druet, for infringement of the latter’s copyright. (*complaint also targeting […]